I was a little over 15 and a half. I had the best boyfriend ever and everything was going great. School was fun, I was going to football games, staying out late at the movies, the whole nine yeards. It was the first week in October when my friends Amanda, April, and I went to Disneyland for Amanda's birthday. I was so disappointed because I was suppose to start my period while we were in Disneyland. I'm sure you all know how much fun that would NOT have been. Well, it didn't come. I wasn't too worried because we all know that young girls are still irregular from time to time. So we get home from our trip and still nothing. Hours pass, days pass, a week and a half has already gone by and still nothing. Ok, time to panic! I told my boyfriend what was going on and asked him what he would do if I was pregnant. He said no matter what's going on, he'll be there. So the next Wednesday we had a half day at school and we decided to go get a test. I was so nervous and scared. I thought the cashier was going to stare at me or judge me so I had my boyfriend (Armando) go down the aisle and get it and pay for it himself. Anyway, after walking around the store for a while trying not to pay attention to the fact that now that lady at the counter knows what's going on, we left.
When we got home I dindn't take it right away. I guess I just had this gut feeling that I knew it was going to be positive and I just didn't know how to take that. We talked for a while as if nothing was going on, watched a little TV and played on the computer. When Armando wasn't paying any attention, I took the test to the bathroom and follwed the directions carefully. I'm sure you all know where this is headed. After seeing the word "PREGNANT" on these new very high tech pregnancy tests they have now, I didn't know what to think. A million thoughts were racing through my mind at once. "Armadno's gonna ditch out on me, my mom and dad are going to hate me, my sister is gonna stop talking to me, how will I finish school, is this real??"
After pondering all those thoughts, I came out to show him. I didn't say a word, just handed the test to him. He didn't really say anything either. He looked really shocked, scared, and about to cry. I told him before we jump to any conclusions I'll take the second test in a couple days and the third one in a week.
I can't even remember if we talked about it much the first week or what we even said. It was all just so surreal. I wasn't sure of anything at this point anymore. And this is where the longest journey of my life has started.
Katie, I am so happy you decided to join the blogging world! Noah is so cute! You need to put more pictures of him up! It seems like everything is going well and I'm so proud of you for really buckling down and making sure you finish school! It seemed like when I was in high school, every girl that had a baby or got married in high school ended up dropping out! So way to go!
Bt the way, this is your cousin Toni! I have a blog too. It's www.ntgsoutham.blogspot.com!
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