Monday, August 11, 2008

Breaking the news

It all started with a phone call. Or a text message rather. It was about 8:00 at night and all I had been doing for the past hour was cry. By this time a week had gone by since I found out. I knew something had to be said but I didn't know what to do or how to tell anyone. So I started with my sister, my best friend. I sent her a text message. Lame I know, but it was the only way I could spill my guts. So, after a couple texts asking her if she was going to hate me, etc, I told her I thought I was prego. She said to me she could never hate me and she loves me. Exactly the words I needed to hear at that point. She then proceeded to call me and talk about it with me. By now I wasn't the only one crying. She asked if I had taken a test and I told her I did, positive. She didn't know what to do so she called my step mom who also delt with my step sister getting pregnant at this age so she thought she could handle it better. After about 20 minutes I get a call from my step mom saying she loves me and she's sorry. She talked to me about my options and explained that it's nobody's decision but my very own. Which is so true. Nobody can tell you what to do for your's and your baby's life. Adotion, abortion, keeping it... It's all up to the person that created the situation in the first place.
So, after much talk about that and me explaining there was no way I could kill an innocent baby or carry it for nine months and then say goodbye, she called my dad! My biggest fear! He was never going to talk to me again! Boy was I ever so wrong! He was the most supportive one. He sent me a text saying "I love you forever. No matter what." (Still gets me a little teary!) He also said he didn't call because he will in the morning and I need to get some sleep. He called the next morning and said he would come by and pick me up (since I was at my mom's) and then later that day he would come back over here to talk to my mom with me out of the hosue so no yelling would take place in front of me. He also said he would take a trip to Armando's house that day to talk to his parents so they don't freak out on him either. He knew this was not a time to get mad or yell and tell us how stupid we are. It's a time to be supportive, show us how much they love us, and be there in our time of need.
So, as he promised, he was on his way to break the news to my mom and Armando's family...

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